Capture Circle

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A capture circle is a visible circle only seen in viewfinder mode on the Camera Obscura. It is used to help capture a ghost's picture. However, the ghost or object being photographed must be inside of the capture circle. You can tell if the subject is inside the capture circle if a little yellowish colored ring follows the subject's core (most likely the head).

If a Zero Shot/Shutter Chance can be taken, the capture circle will glow red. If a Fatal Frame shot is possible, the capture circle glows red, and the filament light at the top of the camera will blink and you will hear a tone (if the "Alarm" function is equipped).

Fatal Frame

PS2 Version

In Fatal Frame, the capture circle is a plain circle that glows blue when aimed at a stationary/vanishing or hostile ghost, and orange when an attacking ghost's Zero Shot moment occurs. It charges while you are aiming at a hostile ghost.

Xbox Version

In the Xbox version of the game, the capture circle was changed so that the charge symbols (that used to appear below the circle on the bottom of the camera) now appeared around the circle.

The layout of the camera view was also changed, with the life bar now being along the bottom of the view. It also now indicated the film type next to the number of remaining shots.

Fatal Frame II

PS2 Version

In Fatal Frame II, the capture circle was changed so that the charge symbols are now displayed in a ring around the capture circle, instead of displaying the charge underneath. The charge system was also changed so that the amount of charge built up is determined by your proximity to the ghost.

Xbox Version

The Xbox version of the game also has the above camera, but another camera design was added to the first person perspective mode of the game.

Wii Edition

The camera in the remake restores the charge system from the other games, whereby charge points are accumulated by keeping the circle centred on the ghost for an uninterrupted period of time. A Shutter Chance is indicated by a red ring around the charge circle. Unlike the original PS2 and Xbox versions of Fatal Frame II, this camera charges a complete circle rather than a partial one.

Fatal Frame III

In Fatal Frame III, the charge symbols changed in appearance. Charge, just like in Fatal Frame, was changed back to the old style of time-based charge rather than range-based charge.

Fatal Frame IV

Ruka/Madoka's Camera

This camera's charge circle closely mimics the stages of the moon during a lunar eclipse, moving clockwise from the right. Similar to the cameras in Fatal Frame and Fatal Frame III, its charge is determined by time you remain aimed on the ghost, and its charge decreases if you stop aiming at the ghost. However, unlike the other cameras, its charge empties immediately if the ghost leaves your sight.

Misaki's Camera Obscura

Misaki's camera's capture circle differs from that of Madoka's and Ruka's camera. It is smaller, in the centre of the viewfinder, and charges in two stages. Somewhat similar to the charge during Miku's Double function, it can charge both inner and outer rings fully for a more powerful shot. Like the other camera, its charge empties immediately if the ghost is lost from view.

Choshiro's Flashlight

While not a camera, the Spirit Stone Flashlight (designed by Dr. Asou) also has a capture circle. It is in the shape of a circular beam of light, in the centre of the screen. Unlike the cameras in the series, it will remain charged even when not aiming at a ghost. Additionally, to charge up the player need not be aiming at a ghost. The A Button must be pressed and held down for charge to increase, and will charge whether or not there is a ghost in the area. Whilst charging up power-up lenses, the circle will gradually become smaller, making it more difficult to aim.

Camera Obscura
Camera Shots - Capture Circle - Filaments - Functions - Lenses - Special Abilities
Antagonist Ghosts - Dark Return - Ghost Hands - Helpful Ghosts - Hostile Ghosts - Non-hostile Ghosts - Spirit List - Stationary Ghosts - Vanishing ghosts
Films - Herbal Medicine - Sacred Water - Spirit Orb - Spirit Stone Shard (Blue) - Spirit Stone Shard (Red) - Stone Mirror
Battle Mode - Fatal Mode - Haunted House Mode - Mission Mode - Nightmare Mode - Survival Mode
Easter Egg - Glitches - Save points - Sidequests