Hostile Ghosts

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Hostile Ghosts

Game Fatal Frame, Fatal Frame II, Fatal Frame III, Fatal Frame IV, Fatal Frame V, Deep Crimson Butterfly, Spirit Camera
Kanji/Kana 怨霊 (おんりょう)
Alias(es) Attacking Ghosts
Range of Age Varies
Occupation Varies
Purpose Ghosts that attack the player/protagonists
Rituals N/A
Location Various
Total Member N/A

Hostile ghosts (怨霊, onryou) are ghosts found within the Fatal Frame Series that immediately attack the player whenever they are encountered. These ghosts are any of the lingering spirits that the player will do battle against during the course of the game. Excluded from this list are the primary antagonists of the Fatal Frame Series. Normal hostile ghosts are usually people who have been caught up in a curse, either by being actual participants in the event or disaster that caused the curse, or by being spirited away and subsequently becoming afflicted by the same curse. (Antagonist ghosts still count as hostile, but plot-wise tend to be the main driving force behind the conflict.)

When a hostile ghost is nearby or about to attack the player, the Camera Obscura's Filament will glow red. (In Fatal Frame III, the filament will glow red to indicate a hostile ghost even if the ghost isn't about to directly attack the player. Such cases include Yoshino Takigawa before she is actually consumed by the Tattooed Curse.)

Although they often drop items that are useful to uncovering the mysteries behind their respective games, these ghosts are not deliberately helpful. Battling these ghosts will help the player gain spirit points towards camera upgrades, as well as help to complete the spirit list.

Hostile Ghosts

Fatal Frame

Fatal Frame II

Fatal Frame III

Fatal Frame IV

Fatal Frame V

Spirit Camera: The Cursed Memoir

See Also

Camera Obscura
Camera Shots - Capture Circle - Filaments - Functions - Lenses - Special Abilities
Antagonist Ghosts - Dark Return - Ghost Hands - Helpful Ghosts - Hostile Ghosts - Non-hostile Ghosts - Spirit List - Stationary Ghosts - Vanishing ghosts
Films - Herbal Medicine - Sacred Water - Spirit Orb - Spirit Stone Shard (Blue) - Spirit Stone Shard (Red) - Stone Mirror
Battle Mode - Fatal Mode - Haunted House Mode - Mission Mode - Nightmare Mode - Survival Mode
Easter Egg - Glitches - Save points - Sidequests