Miyako Sudo

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Miyako Sudo

"I kept searching for you..."
Japanese須堂 美也子
すどう みやこ
Wandering Woman
FamilyMasumi Makimura (boyfriend)
Cause of DeathStrangled by Masumi
Date of Death1987
EncounterOsaka House
GamesFatal Frame II
Fatal Frame III (mentioned)
Deep Crimson Butterfly
NotesWoman's Notebook
Red Notebook (FF3)
Red Notebook Scraps (unused)
Spirit StoneAragonite
English Voice ActorLeigh Allyn Baker (FF2)

Miyako Sudo is the first ghost encountered in Fatal Frame II and Deep Crimson Butterfly.


Miyako entered the Lost Village searching for her boyfriend, Masumi Makimura, a surveyor who disappeared while surveying the land around the site of the proposed Minakami Dam. After ten days, the search was called off and work resumed, and Miyako came to the forest herself to look for him. Like Masumi, she wandered into the Lost Village and became trapped there.

Photo of Masumi and Miyako
Photo of Masumi and Miyako

On the path leading down to the village from Misono Hill, she drops her purse, which Mio and Mayu find later on. Inside the purse is a photograph of herself and Masumi smiling, and two news clippings about Masumi's disappearance.

As she wanders through the village, Miyako writes in a red notebook. Miyako, like Mayu, has heard the rumors of a lost village that existed in the forest which disappeared in one fatal night. Miyako also writes of ghost encounters and leaves notes for Masumi, growing in her desperation to find him and leave the village. Her experiences in the village are traumatic, as she sees the ghosts of villagers and hears strange sounds from beneath the house. Even sleep provides no respite - she dreams of a woman's maniacal laughter, twins begging for their lives, and other horrors.

Eventually she and Masumi find each other in the Osaka House. However, Miyako has injured her leg[1]. Due to this, she stays in the Osaka House while Masumi leaves to find a way out of the village. She waits in the upstairs room for Masumi to return, where her final notebook entry is found, written in erratic and choppy sentences.

Masumi strangles Miyako
Masumi strangles Miyako

When Masumi returns, she follows him to the room at the back of the house, unaware that he has been killed by the Kusabi in the Kurosawa House. Although Masumi warns her not to approach him, she does, and slashed and battered ghost pushes her to the floor and strangles her to death. Her ghost, the Wanderer, haunts the Osaka House, still searching for Masumi and asking, "Why?"

Fatal Frame II

Mio encounters Miyako's ghost
Mio encounters Miyako's ghost

Miyako is the first ghost Mio and Mayu encounter when they enter the Lost Village. They spot her as they walk down the path, and enter the Osaka House to find her. Upon entering the house, Mayu sees images flashing through her mind, one of which includes Miyako being strangled by two unknown hands. Miyako's spirit leads the twins to find the Camera Obscura, before eventually attacking them in the study where she waited for Masumi. When Mio defeats her, Miyako leaves behind an Aragonite crystal she had with her. Mio eventually learns the truth of Miyako's tragic fate during the Bloody Ring Sidequest, when she finds the ring Masumi was planning on giving to Miyako.

While Miyako is mentioned in Fatal Frame III, along with her own notes left in the Manor of Sleep, her ghost itself is not present.

Fatal Frame: Deep Crimson Butterfly

Miyako was featured prominently in the promotion of Fatal Frame: Deep Crimson Butterfly. Her ghost was visible in the first promotional stills, released in September 2010, and was featured heavily in preview videos.

Bloody Ring Sidequest

While not required to beat Fatal Frame II or to get an alternative ending, there is the Bloody Ring Sidequest which goes into more detail concerning Miyako and Masumi's fate. The player must use Masumi's notes to follow his path around the village, and take pictures of the locations he mentions. Completion of the sidequest is rewarded with a battle against both Miyako and Masumi and an extended clip of the strangling scene, as well as a spirit stone and note.

Alternate Endings

Masumi and Miyako
Masumi and Miyako

In the Promise Ending, available only in the Xbox Director's Cut and the Wii Edition, Miyako and Masumi are shown together in the Osaka House with their arms around each other, watching the crimson butterflies fly up from Misono Hill. Sadly this ending is not considered 'canon', so the resolution of Miyako and Masumi is unknown.


Misc. Info

  • While Masumi and Miyako are considered boyfriend and girlfriend in Fatal Frame II, the article Land Surveyors Missing and the corresponding entry in Rei Kurosawa's notebook in Fatal Frame III both say that they are engaged. This may be a translation error in the English version of the game since in Fatal Frame II, Masumi was planning on proposing to Miyako, but never got the chance.
  • The story of Masumi and Miyako, and Miyako's end, is supposed to hint at the ending of the game. The leg injury that forced Miyako to remain at the Osaka house is reminiscent of Mayu's injured leg. (The nature of this injury is never specified in the English translation of FF2, but Deep Crimson Butterfly mentions that she hurt her foot, and the Japanese uses the character 足, which can mean either leg or foot.)
  • In an unused file from the August 2003 prototype, Miyako writes about growing up near the Lost Village, hearing tales about it from her grandmother. She also describes an incident in which several of her friends were spirited away.[2]

See Also


Player Characters
Mio Amakura - Mayu Amakura
Major Characters/Ghosts
Sae Kurosawa - Yae Kurosawa - The Kusabi - Seijiro Makabe - Itsuki Tachibana - Dr. Kunihiko Asou - Chitose Tachibana - Miyako Sudo - Masumi Makimura - Akane Kiryu - Twin Doll - Ryokan Kurosawa
Minor Characters/Ghosts
Ryozo Munakata - Yoshitatsu Kiryu - Azami Kiryu - Mutsuki Tachibana - Veiled Priests - Mourners - Utsuro - Woman in Box - Fallen Woman - Limbo Man - Limbo Woman - Sunken Woman - Broken Neck Woman - Minakami Villagers - Children Playing Tag - Man In Dark - Woman in Dark - Escaping Twins - Hanging Twins
Altar Twins - Camera Obscura - Crimson Sacrifice Ritual - Crimson Sacrifice - Crimson Butterfly - Cutting Ritual - Folklorist - Hidden Ceremony - Kiryu Family - Kurosawa Family - Osaka Family - Outsiders - Remaining - Spirit Stone Radio - Spirited Aways - Tachibana Family - The Darkness - The Repentance - Tsuchihara Family - Twin Shrine Maidens
All God's Village - Cell - Earth Bridge - Heaven Bridge - Hellish Abyss - Kiryu House - Kureha Shrine - Kurosawa House - Minakami Cemetery - Minakami Dam - Misono Hill - Old Tree - Osaka House - Rope Temple - Storehouse - Tachibana House - Twin Houses - Twins' Room - Underground Passageway - Whisper Bridge
Camera Obscura - FPS Camera Obscura - Save points - Spirit Orbs - Spirit List - Lenses - Spirit Stones - Functions - Films - Flashlight - Health items
Tsukiko Amano - Chou - Sacrificial Song
More Pages
Chapters - Items - Notes - Photographs - Costumes - Endings - Mio's Memo
Characters and Ghosts
Player Characters
Rei Kurosawa - Miku Hinasaki - Kei Amakura
Major Characters/Ghosts
Reika Kuze - Amane Kuze - Kaname Ototsuki - Yoshino Takigawa - Yuu Asou - Yashuu Kuze - Akito Kashiwagi - Kyouka Kuze - Hisame Kuze - Shigure Kuze - Minamo Kuze - Mio Amakura - Mayu Amakura - Mafuyu Hinasaki
Minor Characters/Ghosts
Ruri - Dr. Kunihiko Asou - Tengai Narumi - Naoya - Masumi Makimura - Miyako Sudo - Ozawa - Serizawa - Musubi Osaka - Tsuzuri Osaka - Makie Kuzuhara - Kozue Kuzuhara - Kiriko Asanuma - Shizu Amakura - Engravers - Men in White - Kizuna Himuro - The Kusabi - Stroller Grandma - Black Shadow - Engraved Men
Amakura Family - Asou Family - Boat of Passing - Camera Obscura - Crimson Butterfly - Echo Stone Earrings - Final Impalement - Handmaidens - Handmaiden's Song - Himuro Family - Impalement Ritual - Impaling the Sin - Indigo ink - Ink of the soul - Igushi Doll - Kushimi Doll - Kuze Code - Kuze Family - Lost Patients - Miasma - Outsiders - Piercing of the Soul - Red ink - Rite of Commandment - Sacrificial Pillars - Snake & Holly Tattoo - Spirit Tree - Spirited Aways - Tattooed Curse - Tattooed Priestess - The Rift - The Tearing - The Unleashing - Worshippers
Rei's House
Altar Room - Bathroom - Darkroom - Doorway - Kitchen - Living Room - Miku's Room - Rei's Room - Yuu's Room
Manor of Sleep
Abyss - Abyss of the Horizon - Bell Hallway - Blind Room - Book Storeroom - Chamber of Thorns - Doll Altars - Enclosed Room - Engraving Shrine - Futon Room - Grave Courtyard - Hall with Tatami - Hanging Prison - Hearth Room - House of Sleep - Kimono Room - Kuze Shrine - Last Passage - Library - Partitioned Room - Projection Room - Rift Shrine - Room with Blind - Shrine of Sleep - Spirit Tree Garden - Stained Corridor - Stairs Hallway - Tattoo Altar - Well Room - Wooden Figure Room
Himuro Mansion area
Confinement Room - Foyer - Great Hall - Preserve Room - Rope Hallway - Rope Palace
Minakami Village area
Confinement Room - Great Hall - Hearth Room - Kimono Room - Rope Temple - Twins' Room
Kukaiji Temple - Minakami Dam - Myojin Village - Katsuragi Hospital
Camera Obscura - Save points - Films - Flashlight - Lenses - Functions - Special Abilities - Spirit list - Health items
Tsukiko Amano - Koe - Handmaiden's Song
More Pages
Hours - Items - Notes - Photographs - Costumes - Endings - Rei's Notebook - Zero Shisei no Koe Comic Anthology
Player Characters
Mio Amakura - Mayu Amakura
Major Characters/Ghosts
Sae Kurosawa - Yae Kurosawa - The Kusabi - Seijiro Makabe - Itsuki Tachibana - Dr. Kunihiko Asou - Chitose Tachibana - Miyako Sudo - Masumi Makimura - Akane Kiryu - Twin Doll - Ryokan Kurosawa
Minor Characters/Ghosts
Ryozo Munakata - Kureha - Yoshitatsu Kiryu - Azami Kiryu - Mutsuki Tachibana - Veiled Priests - Mourners - Woman in Box - Fallen Woman - Limbo Man - Limbo Woman - Sunken Woman - Broken Neck Woman - Minakami Villagers - Children Playing Tag - Man In Dark - Woman in Dark - Escaping Twins - Hanging Twins
Altar Twins - Camera Obscura - Crimson Sacrifice Ritual - Crimson Sacrifice - Crimson Butterfly - Cutting Ritual - Folklorist - Hidden Ceremony - Kiryu Family - Kurosawa Family - Osaka Family - Outsiders - Remaining - Shadow Festival - Spirit Stone Radio - Spirited Aways - Tachibana Family - The Darkness - The Repentance - Tsuchihara Family - Twin Shrine Maidens - Sacrificial Song
Abyss - Cell - Decayed Tree - Deep Path - Earth Bridge - Heaven Bridge - Kiryu House - Kureha Shrine - Kurosawa House - Minakami Cemetery - Minakami Village - Misono Hill - Mizukami Dam - Osaka House - Rope Temple - Storehouse - Tachibana House - Twin Houses - Twins' Room - Whisper Bridge
Camera Obscura - Dark Return - Haunted House Mode - Health items - Films - Flashlight - Functions - Lenses - Night Shop - Save points - Spirit List - Spirit Stones
Tsukiko Amano - Kurenai - Sacrificial Song
More Pages
Chapters - Items - Notes - Photographs - Costumes - Endings - Mio's Memo