Night Shop

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The Night Shop (夜店) is a feature found in Fatal Frame: Deep Crimson Butterfly. It becomes available after clearing the game once, and is similar to the shop found in Fatal Frame IV, allowing the player to purchase unlocked costumes for Mio and Mayu and features for the Camera Obscura in exchange for points earned during the game.

Misc. Info

  • "Night shops" are Yatai stalls traditionally found at summer festivals in Japan - matching up with the game's concept image of a summer festival - which sell food and drink to festival-goers.
  • The background image for the area shows Mio and Mayu in their yukata costumes from the Shadow Festival Ending at a festival scene.
Player Characters
Mio Amakura - Mayu Amakura
Major Characters/Ghosts
Sae Kurosawa - Yae Kurosawa - The Kusabi - Seijiro Makabe - Itsuki Tachibana - Dr. Kunihiko Asou - Chitose Tachibana - Miyako Sudo - Masumi Makimura - Akane Kiryu - Twin Doll - Ryokan Kurosawa
Minor Characters/Ghosts
Ryozo Munakata - Kureha - Yoshitatsu Kiryu - Azami Kiryu - Mutsuki Tachibana - Veiled Priests - Mourners - Woman in Box - Fallen Woman - Limbo Man - Limbo Woman - Sunken Woman - Broken Neck Woman - Minakami Villagers - Children Playing Tag - Man In Dark - Woman in Dark - Escaping Twins - Hanging Twins
Altar Twins - Camera Obscura - Crimson Sacrifice Ritual - Crimson Sacrifice - Crimson Butterfly - Cutting Ritual - Folklorist - Hidden Ceremony - Kiryu Family - Kurosawa Family - Osaka Family - Outsiders - Remaining - Shadow Festival - Spirit Stone Radio - Spirited Aways - Tachibana Family - The Darkness - The Repentance - Tsuchihara Family - Twin Shrine Maidens - Sacrificial Song
Abyss - Cell - Decayed Tree - Deep Path - Earth Bridge - Heaven Bridge - Kiryu House - Kureha Shrine - Kurosawa House - Minakami Cemetery - Minakami Village - Misono Hill - Mizukami Dam - Osaka House - Rope Temple - Storehouse - Tachibana House - Twin Houses - Twins' Room - Whisper Bridge
Camera Obscura - Dark Return - Haunted House Mode - Health items - Films - Flashlight - Functions - Lenses - Night Shop - Save points - Spirit List - Spirit Stones
Tsukiko Amano - Kurenai - Sacrificial Song
More Pages
Chapters - Items - Notes - Photographs - Costumes - Endings - Mio's Memo