Nightmare Mode

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Nightmare mode is the highest difficulty level in the games of the Fatal Frame Series, except for the Fatal difficulty on the Xbox version of the first and second games. Playing and completing the games in Nightmare mode often grants access to hidden files, extra battles and ghost-list entries and different endings. In general, gameplay difficulty is increased in Nightmare mode by increasing the damage ghosts do to the player, the amount of health the ghosts have and how much health is restored by recovery items.

Fatal Frame

In the first game, Nightmare Mode is unlocked by completing the game in Normal Mode (on the Xbox) and completing Battle Mode (on the PS2).

In the first game's Nightmare Mode, the gameplay is slightly changed to make the game harder: The damage ghosts inflict upon the player is increased and recovery items also recover less of the player's health. A new ending is unlocked by beating the game on Nightmare mode.

Fatal Frame II

In the second game, Nightmare Mode is unlocked by completing the game in Hard Mode. Attacking ghosts cause more damage, and Herbal Medicine restores less health.

Playing the game on Hard or Nightmare mode means the player will have to fight Sae Kurosawa in an extra chapter when the player gets to the Hellish Abyss. Completing the PS2 version of the game in Hard or Nightmare Mode will unlock the Hellish Abyss Ending. In the Xbox version, it will unlock the Promise Ending.

Fatal Frame III

Fatal Frame III was the first game to make it possible to play in Nightmare Mode without loading a clear file, increasing the level of difficulty. As usual, Nightmare Mode increases the amount of damage dealt by ghosts, increases the ghosts' health and decreases the life restored by Herbal Medicines. It also reduces the film and herbal medicine allocated at the start of each night.

Completing the game in Nightmare Mode will unlock Rei and Miku's pinafore dresses if you have also completed Mission Mode, and beating it twice in Hard or Nightmare Mode will unlock Miku's pink yukata and Kei's orange yukata.

Fatal Frame IV

In Fatal Frame IV, Nightmare Mode is unlocked by completion of Hard Mode. As in Fatal Frame III, once it has been unlocked, it is possible to start a new game in Nightmare Mode without loading a clear file. The "Exchange" feature of the save point, which allows players to exchange points for items, is unusable in Nightmare Mode.

Completing the game in Nightmare Mode will earn the player the "Lunar" Lens.

Camera Obscura
Camera Shots - Capture Circle - Filaments - Functions - Lenses - Special Abilities
Antagonist Ghosts - Dark Return - Ghost Hands - Helpful Ghosts - Hostile Ghosts - Non-hostile Ghosts - Spirit List - Stationary Ghosts - Vanishing ghosts
Films - Herbal Medicine - Sacred Water - Spirit Orb - Spirit Stone Shard (Blue) - Spirit Stone Shard (Red) - Stone Mirror
Battle Mode - Fatal Mode - Haunted House Mode - Mission Mode - Nightmare Mode - Survival Mode
Easter Egg - Glitches - Save points - Sidequests