Shiori Hasebe

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Shiori Hasebe

"I can hear that woman's voice calling me."
Japanese長谷部 紫織
はせべ しおり
AliasManipulated Woman (操られた女)
FamilyKaito Hasebe (brother)
OccupationTrainee teacher
GamesSpirit Camera: The Cursed Memoir
Other AppearancesAnother Story
NotesThe Girl's Diary
The Crumpled Page
Doll-Like Voice
The Girl's Cry
Shiori's Memory

The younger sister of Kaito Hasebe. She became trapped within the Purple Diary and was killed by its curse, appearing in a doll-like form. Her older brother began to investigate the diary after she went missing, and ultimately became a victim of its curse himself.

Spirit Camera: The Cursed Memoir

Shiori hears a rumour at her school about a cursed diary, a book which traps people inside if they play the sheet music written on one of its pages, turning the person into a "replacement" for a person someone lost. At some point she discovers a purple book wedged deep inside a library shelf, almost as though it had been hidden there. Inside it she finds a picture of a ball-jointed doll that looks eerily like herself, so much so that it makes her uneasy.

She begins to hear a tune playing in her dreams at night, the song from the sheet music in the diary, though notes that the song sounds different from the way it's written. She realises that it's because of the ink stain, and apparently figures out a way to play it normally.

Shiori continues to hear the song when she sleeps, and can hear a woman calling her by someone else's name. Shiori believes that she has become trapped within the Purple Diary. She visits her brother Kaito to tell him of the bad dreams she's been having, and a bad feeling she has.

Soon, Shiori begins to suffer from night paralysis. She is imprisoned by the Woman in Black, who turns her into a living doll as a substitute for Maya, to whom she bears a significant resemblance.

During the game, Shiori hides in dark places, and must be discovered using the Darkness Lens.

Another Story

In Another Story, Shiori Hasebe is a trainee teacher who is supposed to be filling in for one of the teachers at her old school. She is known as "senpai" to her students due to this. However, she never actually turns up. Another teacher at the school said she is suffering from night paralysis, having been unable to sleep for some time, and was unable to attend school due to temporary hospitalisation.


Misc. Info

  • Her name contains the Japanese kanji character meaning "purple" (紫).

See Also

Major Characters/Ghosts
Maya - Kaito Hasebe - Woman in Black
Minor Characters/Ghosts
Seamstress - Akira - Shiori Hasebe - White Hand
Camera Obscura - Spirited Aways - Tokoyomi Ritual - Vessel
Old House - The Village
Camera Obscura - Purple Diary - Voices of the Dead
More Pages
Items - Notes - Costumes - Mini Drama - Japanese Mini Drama - Another Story