Stone Mirror

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Stone Mirror (鏡石)
Revives you one time only when your strength reaches zero.

This item is like an extra life. When your health has fully depleted, it will be restored to maximum capacity. This item is rarer than Herbal Medicine and Sacred Water, and prior to Fatal Frame V, only one could be carried at a time.

In the Nintendo-era games, "鏡石" was translated as "Mirrorstone" rather than "Stone Mirror".


For stone mirror locations in each game, please see the relevant game chapter.


Camera Obscura
Camera Shots - Capture Circle - Filaments - Functions - Lenses - Special Abilities
Antagonist Ghosts - Dark Return - Ghost Hands - Helpful Ghosts - Hostile Ghosts - Non-hostile Ghosts - Spirit List - Stationary Ghosts - Vanishing ghosts
Films - Herbal Medicine - Sacred Water - Spirit Orb - Spirit Stone Shard (Blue) - Spirit Stone Shard (Red) - Stone Mirror
Battle Mode - Fatal Mode - Haunted House Mode - Mission Mode - Nightmare Mode - Survival Mode
Easter Egg - Glitches - Save points - Sidequests