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The Filament is the coloured bar that appears on the Camera Obscura and game screen throughout the entire Fatal Frame series, that tracks and indicates the presence of ghosts. When an attacking, vanishing or hidden ghost is nearby, the filament will react and begin to glow. The glow intensifies as the spirit gets closer, or is more accurately aimed at.

Fatal Frame & Fatal Frame II

In both of the first two games, the filament systems are largely the same. In Fatal Frame, hostile ghosts and vanishing ghosts are indicated by an orange-red glow, whilst hidden ghosts are indicated by a blue glow. In Fatal Frame II, only hostile ghosts are represented by orange, and all types of ghost found on the spirit list appear as blue.

Fatal Frame III

The filament was modified in Fatal Frame III. As in Fatal Frame, attacking ghosts and vanishing ghosts are red, while hidden ghosts and hint photo sites are blue; however, with the addition of Kei's special ability, it was changed slightly. When an attacking ghost is near Kei, the filament will glow bright blue if he has not yet been spotted (or if the ghost has lost sight of him), and red if a ghost is actively pursuing him.

Fatal Frame IV & Deep Crimson Butterfly

In Fatal Frame IV the filament was drastically modified, and the main filament was split into two. This change was preserved in Deep Crimson Butterfly, the Fatal Frame II remake for the Wii.

Ghost Filament

The "ghost" filament, the indicator of a spirit's presence, appears at the top of the screen. It is divided into four quadrants. Attacking ghosts once again appear in red, and spirit list ghosts appear blue. Instead of indicating your proximity to the spirit, the filament will show which direction the ghost is in relation to your position. The ghost appears as a solid dot of light and moves around the quadrants as you change direction.

Item Filament

The item filament appears in place of the old filament whenever an item is close by. The filament will glow blue when an item is nearby, and begins to glow more brightly as you get closer to the item and aim the torch beam over it. The item then appears as a small blue ball. In Deep Crimson Butterfly, the item filament reacts only to key items.

Fatal Frame V

In Fatal Frame V, the filaments were combined and simplified down to a white directional pointer. During normal gameplay it indicates the direction of items, hint photos and vanishing ghosts, without visibly differentiating between them. In battles it turns red to indicate the direction of a hostile ghost. It grows larger as you get closer to whatever it is pointing at.

Spirit Camera

In Spirit Camera, the filament is called the Lamp. It glows blue in response to active pages of the purple diary, and red in response to hostile spirits. Like the filament in the first three games, it indicates the ghost's location by glowing more brightly.

Camera Obscura
Camera Shots - Capture Circle - Filaments - Functions - Lenses - Special Abilities
Antagonist Ghosts - Dark Return - Ghost Hands - Helpful Ghosts - Hostile Ghosts - Non-hostile Ghosts - Spirit List - Stationary Ghosts - Vanishing ghosts
Films - Herbal Medicine - Sacred Water - Spirit Orb - Spirit Stone Shard (Blue) - Spirit Stone Shard (Red) - Stone Mirror
Battle Mode - Fatal Mode - Haunted House Mode - Mission Mode - Nightmare Mode - Survival Mode
Easter Egg - Glitches - Save points - Sidequests